Autor: Jeffrey L. Kallen

Linguistic landscapes : a sociolinguistic approach

Visible language is widespread and familiar in everyday life. We find it in shop signs, advertising billboards, street and place name signs, commercial logos and slogans, and visual arts. The field of linguistic landscapes draws on insights from sociolinguistics, language policy and semiotics to show how these public forms of language relate to multiple issues in language policy, language rights, language and education, language and culture, and globalization. Stretching from the earliest stone inscriptions, to posters and street signs, and to today's electronic media, linguistic landscapes sit at the crossroads of language, society, geography, and visual communication. Written by one of the pioneers of the field, this is the first book-length synthesis of this exciting, rapidly-developing field. Using photographic evidence from across three continents, it demonstrates the methodology and approaches used, and summarises its findings and developments so far. It also seeks to answer common questions from its critics, and to suggest new directions for further study.

Provides the first book-length synthesis of linguistic landscapes as a general field of research, rather than examining the linguistic landscape of a specific locale
Develops an approach to linguistic landscapes which is grounded in sociolinguistics, with special emphasis on discourse, internal and external features of language, and the dynamics of the LL in space and time
Discusses methodological features such as the use of photography, spoken interviews and oral tradition, the documentary evidence of history and literature, and qualitative as well as quantitative analysis